Caring for seniors is a huge undertaking, and a responsibility not taken lightly. Caregivers, such as those employed in Adult Foster Homes and in-home caregivers working for The State of Oregon (The State) are vetted undergo a criminal background checks. This assists loved ones and homes such as ours in ensuring that those taking care of elderly or vulnerable adults are capable of doing so without  causing harm to those  for whom they care.

If you suspect abuse, there are mechanisms in place to officially register concerns. In each case, The State is obliged to register the complaint and conduct and official investigation.  Here’s more from The State:

Types of elder abuse include: financial exploitation neglect verbal abuse physical abuse & abandonment sexual abuse seclusion and restraint Warning Signs of Elder Abuse Victims of elder abuse may be slow to recognize and report the abuse. Too often, victims suffer in silence. [Read More…]

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Financial and life planning are not topics on most people’s list of all time favorite things to do, but time and time again we see the importance and impact just a little foresight makes in in the standard of living one has in the golden years. With “Boomers” aging into care and foster home facilities, the impact of the choices made are having widespread implications on this generation and the ones who are now caring for them.


You’ve learned, you’ve earned, you’ve partied. Now what? The baby boom generation has had a significant impact on the world at every stage of their lives. This group, defined as those born from 1946-1964 (I just made it), will have a big influence on how the markets behave in […]

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